Monday, January 21, 2008

My First Stitch N Bitch

What a wonderful time!

I am a work at home mom. So, in those rare moments when my 3 year old and baby don't need me, I am working (or on Ravelry...shh...). I love that I get to stay home with my girls and feel very lucky that I have found some work from home. However, it does get isolating and lonely and doesn't afford me much knitting time since my work day often starts when the kids go to bed.

So, I went to the newly formed Cheshire Stitch N Bitch. It was wonderful - both to be out of the house and knitting with other knitters! I have so much to learn from the other women and of course, it's fun to admire their yarn and projects. I thought I wouldn't get enough knitting done because I'd be too busy chatting but it was easy to do both and I came home refreshed. I'm looking forward to our next meeting! Not only is it fun but, I think it will make me a better knitter. What more can I ask for?

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